Benevento, Italy

Benevento is a comune and province located in the region of Campania in Southern Italy northeast of Naples, Italy. Benevento provides the majority of the geneaology data for the Langiano bloodline. The earliest direct Langiano birth recording that has currently been found took place in Benevento which was the baptism record for my 3x Great Grandpa Antonio Langiano, born 1833. Although, I cannot prove it yet, I believe their are many relatives that still occupy the Benevento area today. One cousin that lives in Benevento that I can prove is my one true Italian friend Rita Tresca, Ciao Rita!!!


The oldest cultural records in Benevento area and its province date back to the Paleolithic Age. Archaeological finds of lake dwellings in Castelvenere area and several finds elsewhere record the prehistoric man's presence in this province. With regard to the origins of the town of Benevento, legend has it that it was founded by the mythical Diomedes, who landed on the Apulian coasts after the fall of Troy. Certainly, it is known it was inhabited by the Samnites, from both the Irpino and Caudino lineage, due to cultural finds and historical discoveries such as the archaeological area in Cellarulo district, which proves the existence of a permanent settlement at the junction of rivers Sabato and Calore, whose population was committed to the production and trade of wool and clay.

Arch of Trajan, Benevento, Italy

A flourishing centre of the Samnite civilisation, it was reported for the first time in history when the Samnites, skilled and brave warriors, defeated the mighty Roman army in the battle of the "Forche Caudine" (321 B.C.), thanks to a clever strategic manoeuvre by general Ponzio Telesino.

The Roman Period

After the "Forche Caudine" battle, the Samnites were in then rum defeated and, by the time of the Third Samnite War (298-290 B.C.), they were subdued by the Romans. The name of the town, which was originally called Maleventum, was changed into Beneventum by the Romans, with a strained etymological interpretation, in order to celebrate their victory over Pyrrhus, near its walls, in 275 B.C.Thus, after being conquered by the Romans, Benevento experienced not only political and military domination, but also and above all cultural domination.

The town was targeted by those travelling, along the Via Appia, from Rome to Apulia, especially Brindisi and, finally, the East; therefore, it soon became a key and strategic political and economic centre. Over the centuries, the Romans made the town beautiful and rich in important buildings which are still visible within the town's walls, proof of its glorious past.

Benevento Cathedral, Benevento, Italy

The Lombard Period

The fall of the Roman Empire marked a period of decline also in Benevento, which rose to new glory under the Lombard domination. At the beginning of this domination (571), under Zottone I, Benevento was a duchy; then, following the fall of the Kingdom of Pavia (774), it was turned into a Principality by Arechi II. Arechi, being passionate about art and culture, built many architectural works like the extension of the town walls after creating the Civitas nova (now the Triggio); St.Sophia's Church, which boasts an unusual half circular and half star-shaped structure and next, the Benedictine monastery with its fine cloister. Another notable feature of the Lombard period is St.llario's Church, located close to Trajan's Arch. Arechi's court became a splendid cultural centre, brightened by the genius of Paolo Diacono.

Santa Sophia Parish Benevento, Italy

The "Benevento writing system" started to take on its original features, qualifying the minor Longobardia "scriptoria" that produced magnificent liturgical hagiographic and classical codes, today preserved in the most important libraries in the world. The economy, too, had a strong vibe thanks to the mint introduced to stamp coins (soldo aureo).The legend of the witches dates back to this period. The Lombardian soldiers used to meet around a tree consecrated to the god Wothan, in a spot full of walnut trees, near Benevento. There, weaving whirling carousels and in a frenzied race, they tried to bite off the sheep skins hung on the branches. The knights' whirling dance turned into the witches' dance in popular fantasy. After the Lombards were converted to Catholicism by Bishop Barbato, the walnut tree was pulled down in order to celebrate the triumphant struggle led by the Bishop Saint against the witches and the infernal powers.

The Pontifical Period

The death of Landolf VI (1077), the last Lombard prince, switched Benevento to papal domination, which would extend for many centuries and last until 1860. In this long period, Benevento went through changing fortunes, becoming possession of Federico II and then of Manfredi who, in 1266, while fighting against Charles of Anjou, died and was temporarily buried in "cò del ponte" (Dante, Purgatory, Canto III). A church fiefdom, Benevento was first ruled by a rector, then by a governor and finally, after the Congress of Vienna, by an Apostolic Delegate. In 1806, it was occupied by the French troops headed by Napoleon who gave it in fiefdom, with the title of Principality, to Charles Maurice del Talleyrand - Perigord, his Foreign Minister, who in turn appointed a governor to rule it. During the pontifical period, Benevento was cardinal seat, once chaired by the renowned cardinal Vincenzo Maria Orsini, who later became pope Benedict XIII. He loved the town so much that he built many public works.

Rocca dei Rettori, Benevento, Italy

The Risorgimento Period

After the unification of Italy, Benevento was freed from the pontifical domination by the Garibaldi's party, with a bloodless action. It was made Province of Italy by decree signed by Giorgio Pallavicini, on October 25 1860. After the national government took office, almost all the towns in the new province were devastated by rebel movements against the government troops. The rebels were suppressed by a tough military action that ended up with the fierce massacre of the Pontelandolfo and Casalduni (brigandage) populations by the bersaglieri headed by General Negri.