Common German Words A to Z

German Verbage A to Z
German Words That Begin With "A"

German - English

A. = Amt, Amtsbezirk - government office, official district
Ab., Abe. = Abbaue(e), Ausbau(e) - surface mine(s)
Abt. = Abteilung - department
a/d = an der, auf der - on the, by the (followed by the name of a river or other geographical feature)
A.G. = Amtsgericht - lower court district, county court district
Anh. = Anhalt - duchy of Anhalt
ab - from, since
Abbauer - tenant on a (new, split-off) farm; heir with a small part of a farm (usually a second son)
Abdecker - skinner
Abend - evening
Abendmahlgast - communicant
abends - in the evening
Abenteurer -jeweler, jewel trader; adventurer
aber - but
abgestorben - deceased
Ablader - longshoreman
Abnahmemann - retired farmer on life estate
Abnehmer - photographer
Abschiedsmann - man retired on life estate
absterben - to die, to die off
Abstreifer - renderer; flayer
Abzehrung - emaciation, wasting
Achter - juryman
Ackermann - farmer
Adel - gentry, nobleman
a.D. = außer Dienst - formerly employed, retired
adoptiert - adopted
Ahnen - ancestors
Ahnentafel - pedigree chart
Akten - documents
alle - all
allhier - in this place
alt - old
Altbürger - full citizen
Alter - age
Altersschwäche - weakness of old age
ältest - eldest
alt-katholisch - old Catholic
Amman - bailiff, magistrate
Amt - office, district
Anbauer - peasant
andere - other, next
Angeber - informant
angeblich - alleged, assumed
angeheiratet - related by marriage (stepson, stepdaughter)
Anhalt - duchy of Anhalt
Anmerkungen - remarks
Ansiedler - settler
Anspänner - farmer
Anzeigender - informant
apostolisch - Apostolic
April - April
Arbeiter, Arbeitsmann - laborer, worker
Arbeitsbuch - employment record book
Archiv - archive
arm - poor
Armut - poverty
Arzt - physician
auch - also, too
auf - on, upon, at
aufbieten - post banns
Aufenthaltserlaubnis - residence permit
Aufenthaltsort - residence
Aufgebot - publication of banns
Aufnahmebuch - book listing debts
Aufnahmeland - country to which one immigrated
August - August
aus - from, out of
außen - outside
äußere - outside, outward, external
außerehelich - illegitimate
Auswanderer - emigrant
Auswanderung - emigration
Ausweis - identification document
Auszehrung - consumption or emaciation (especially from TB)
Auszug - extract

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