Common Italian Words A to Z

Italian Verbage A to Z
Italian Words That Begin With "F"

Italian - English

fa - ago
fabbricante - manufacturer
fabbricante di tessuto - cloth maker, draper
fabbro - smith
factotum - handyman
falegname - joiner, carpenter
famiglia - family
fanciulla - maiden, young girl
fanciullo - young boy
fante - foot soldier
fatta, -o - done, made
fattore - farmer, creator, maker
febbraio - February
febbre - fever
fede di nascita - birth certificate
femmina - female
femminile - feminine
femminino - femininity
ferraio - blacksmith
feudo - fief, manor
fiacchezza - weakness
fidanzamento - betrothal, engagement to marry
fidanzarsi - to become engaged
fidanzata - fiancée (female)
fidanzato - fiancé (male)
fidanzato - betrothed, engaged
figli - children
figlia di - daughter of
figliastro, -a - stepchild
figlioccio, -a - godchild
figlio di - son of
filatore - spinner
filatrice - spinner
fioraio - florist
firma di - signature of
firmato - signed
fittaiolo - tenant farmer
fiume - river
foresta - forest
forestiero - foreigner, alien
fornaio - baker
forse - perhaps, maybe
fortezza - fortress
fosse - was
fra - between, among
francese - French
fratellastro - half brother
fratello - brother
frazione - hamlet
frontiera - border
fruttaiolo - fruit dealer
fruttivendolo - fruit merchant
fu - late, deceased, was
fu battezzato - was baptized
fu cresimato - was confirmed
funzione di membro - membership list
fuori - out
furono - were
futuro - future