Common Italian Words A to Z

Italian Verbage A to Z
Italian Words That Begin With "T"

Italian - English

tagliapietre - stonecutter
tagliatore - cutter
tappezziere - upholsterer
tardo, -a - late (P.M.)
tassazione - taxation
tavole decennali - ten-year indexes
te - you (after a preposition)
tedesco - German
tempi - times
tempo - time
temporaneo - temporary
tenente - lieutenant
terrazzano - peasant
terzo, -a - third
tessitore - weaver
testamento - will (testament)
testimonio, -a - witness
testo - text
ti - you, to you
tifoide - typhoid
tintore - dyer
tisi - consumption, tuberculosis
tomo - volume
tosse - cough
tosse canina - whooping cough
tossire - cough
tra - between, among
trattore - restaurant keeper
tre - three
tredicesimo, -a - thirteenth
tredici - thirteen
trenta - thirty
trentesimo, -a - thirtieth
trentunesimo, -a - thirty-first
trentuno - thirty-one
tribunale - court, judicial, courthouse
trisavolo - second great-grandfather
trovatello - foundling
tu, voi - you
tumore - tumor
tutore - guardian
tuttavia - nevertheless
tutto - all, everything