Common Italian Words A to Z

Italian Verbage A to Z
Italian Words That Begin With "O"

Italian - English

o - or
occidentale - western
occupazione - occupation
odierno - today’s
oggi - today
ogni - each, every
oltre - in addition
onde - from where
onesto - honest
operaio - laborer
operaio avventizio - journeyman
oppure - or, otherwise
ora - hour
orciolaio - potter
orefice - goldsmith
orfano, -a - orphan
orientale - eastern
orologiaio - watchmaker
oste - innkeeper, wine store keeper
ostetrico, -a - obstetrician, midwife
ottanta - eighty
ottantesimo, -a - eightieth
ottavo, -a - eighth
otto - eight
ottobre - October
ovest - west